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Didgeridoo Australia - Schools Aboriginal Culture Program

Aboriginal Culture Assembly

This  interactive experience combines the iconic didgeridoo, story telling & dance and Aboriginal Culture. 

About this Experience

This highly interactive experience combines the iconic didgeridoo, story telling & dance and Aboriginal Culture. Get ready to join in with this all round adventure!


Our Aboriginal Culture Assembly is an interactive and educational program designed to give students a deeper understanding of Indigenous Australian culture. Our experienced performers use a combination of traditional dance, story telling and music to bring the history and traditions of the Indigenous people to life. Our program includes demonstrations of traditional tools and the use of authentic bush foods, providing a truly immersive experience.

We supply: Educator, instruments, banners, cultural artifacts, electronic production, amplification & microphones.

Session time: up to 45 minutes.

Cost:  $1200 ex GST

Educator/s: Ganga Giri 

Cancellation Policy: To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24hrs in advance.

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